Monday, March 29, 2010

So Don't Think of Tomorrow Tonight.

It's been a while. So here's what I'm enjoying recently:

Netflix streaming on the Wii!!!

Neo-noir films.

Music: She and Him "Volume II"
Brand New "Daisy"
David Bazan "Curse Your Branches"
Fun. "Aim and Ignite"


Simple Salads.

SNL Annuale Skit.

Making sure my yard looks as nice as Neighbor Jack's.

"Clutching Dust and Stars" by Laryn Kragt Bakker


And did I mention Netflix streaming on Wii!!!!

1 comment:

Laryn Kragt Bakker said...

Hey, thanks for the mention! My notifier sent me an email about your post. Given that it's a small indie publication, I'm curious how you found out about the book?