It's a little strange because I was traveling on New Years Eve and then celebrated Christmas on January 4, so it didn't really seem like the new year. But now that I have had a few weeks to sink in to a new decade I've got some resolutions. (Mostly inspired by the article in Relevant Magazine.)
Here's my list:
1. I'm going to run the Pittsburgh half marathon in May and possibly the Indianapolis one in the fall. This may not seem like a big deal because I love to run, but I have been struggling with doing anything let alone getting out to the gym or running in the park. So I'm hoping this will give me a goal to look forward to.
2. Memorize a chapter of the bible, not sure which one yet.
3. Learn to pray in a new way.
4. Create.
5. Be more intentional about my relationships.
6. Do something that freaks me out. That was a Relevant suggestion and I think it's great. I'm considering flying to somewhere random because I've never flown and it really freaks me out. Or sky diving or something of that nature.
7. Donate or volunteer with a cause that I care about. I've really wanted to be part of Kiva but have never done it so that is a priority this year as well.
That's it, short and to the point. I suppose I could resolve to blog more, but I doubt that will happen. :)