Monday, July 7, 2008

What I'm reading now...

I'm not much of a reader. I'm slow, for some reason I can't skim, I have to take in every word that's on the page. I also don't like fiction or anything that I won't learn something from, so the books that I read are sort of heavy and I have to underline and write in them - which takes me even longer to get through. However, recently I have had this craving to learn and read more about all sorts of things. I have found myself randomly buying books (I don't ever buy a book unless I know for sure it is good) and checking out lots of books from the library.

I wanted to share what I have been reading recently:

Jesus For President - Shane Claiborne
Eat Well: A Spiritual Road Map - Various Contributors, published by Culture Is Not Optional
Christianity and the Social Crisis in the 21st Century - Walter Rauschenbusch (The 100th anniversary edition has commentary at the end of each chapter by folks such as Tony Campolo and Jim Wallis for how what Rauschenbusch said in 1907 still relates to us now.)
Red Letter Christians - Tony Campolo


I just recently picked up the Archaeological Study Bible - it's pretty much amazing and offers archaeological, cultural and historical background throughout. It's pretty interesting stuff and offers a new spin on some of the bible's familiar stories.

That's my two cents for the day...